
Glavotok - Beli Return Taxi Boat Transfer

Reach the village of Beli on the island of Cres without waiting for a ferry. Board a convenient taxi boat in the village of Glavotok on the island of Krk and travel to Beli in style.

If you don`t have a car or don`t want to travel by car, the fastest way to come to the village is to book a taxi boat transfer. The most convenient and closest location is the village of Glavotok on the island of Krk.
We will pick you up at the agreed time and transfer you by speedboat to Beli port.

Additional transportation to accommodation in Beli or to other places on the island can be arranged upon request.

The price includes the return transfer from Glavotok to Beli and back.

Regarding the return transfer time, you can tell us in advance about a specific date and time, or we can arrange that during your stay in Beli or on the island.
We will exchange contact information for maximum convenience.

Activity info

Maximum 10 persons (per resource)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
Glavotok - Beli Return Taxi Boat Transfer
Book from €330.00 / 30 min
Organized by: Tramontana Outdoor
Book from €330.00 / 30 min
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